
Cataract: The leading cause of blindness

Home Eye clinic Cataract: The leading cause of blindness

Cataracts are a common phenomenon where the eye condition is identified by the clouding of the eye’s lens. With their growing commonality, cataracts are becoming the core reason for blindness worldwide. With age, the proteins in the lens gather together, forming cataracts. This vision impairment is known for making normal, regular tasks difficult, thus hampering the quality of life. Apart from growing age, other factors like diabetes, smoking, prolonged exposure to the sun, and certain kinds of medication like Steroids can escalate cataract development.

Impact of cataracts on global blindness

  • According to the WHO, 51% of global blindness is caused by cataracts.
  • Cataracts widely affect older adults, but factors like trauma, diabetes, or prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause them in young individuals.
  • Access to affordable cataract surgery is vital, for eradication of blindness due to cataracts.

How cataracts are different from other vision impairments

One of the most distinctive features that make cataracts different from other vision impairments is their complex nature. In other words, beyond just blurring, it makes the world look peculiar with disturbing colors and contours in an uncertain space. Objects that were once crystal clear suddenly turn hazy due to the development of cataracts.

Cataracts impact on the economy

Cataracts can adversely affect the economy in terms of productivity because impaired vision is a big obstacle while working. Another factor is healthcare cost; treatment is costly.

Causes for Cataracts:

There are many reasons and causes that give birth to cataracts in one’s life. But today we will discuss a few common causes of its origin:

  1. Cataracts associated with age are the common ones that develop as a result of aging.
  2. People suffering from diabetes are at risk of developing cataracts because of the sudden change in metabolism and the impact of high blood sugar on the lens.
  3. Some people acquire cataracts genetically due to genetic mutation, due to cataracts at an early age.

Retina Centre is known for providing the best cataract surgery in Guwahati, so don’t wait and please get yourself checked for a better life.

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