
Rubbing of Eyes Can Be Harmful: Know the Harmful Effects

Home Eye clinic Rubbing of Eyes Can Be Harmful: Know the Harmful Effects

Rubbing your eyes is not a healthy practice as it will cause problems in your eyes. The eyes are the most sensitive sensory organ in the body. They are made with soft tissues and that is why they are more prone to damage. Hence, frequent rubbing of the eyes can make these soft tissues weaker and cause eye irritation. Scroll through the article to know more about this topic.

Rubbing Eyes Can be Harmful: An Overview

The harms that you can get from rubbing your eyes are as follows:

  • Cornea Damage

The cornea is the dome-shaped clear tissue that is placed in front of the iris. This helps us to get a clear vision. Cornea can have diseases like Keratoconus which is caused due to roughly rubbing your eyes. Further, rubbing the eyes can also cause damage collagen fiber of cornea. If you face any such problem you should opt for an eye specialist in Guwahati and get the proper treatment.

  • Infections

Eye infections are common due to eye rubbing. Our hands touch so many things throughout the day and get viruses and bacteria. Thus, when you rub your eyes they come into contact with infection-causing elements and get diseases.

  • Wrinkles

The skin loses its elasticity over time and the eye areas are more prone to wrinkles. So, whenever you rub your eyes you potentially harm the delicate skin surrounding your eyes and make them wrinkled.

  • Glaucoma Worsening

Rubbing eyes can make glaucoma worse. Glaucoma is a fatal eye disease where excess fluid accumulates in your optic nerves and prevents them to carry the optical signal to the brain. If you have the symptoms like severe eye pain, blurred vision, headache, and nausea you must come to an eye doctor in Guwahati and opt for the proper treatment. In addition, you should also refrain from eye rubbing as it creates excess pressure on your eyes, making glaucoma worse.

  • Dark Circles

Eye rubbing breaks blood vessels and makes your eyes red, and swollen, and causes pain. In addition, it also causes dark circles. Thus, rubbing your eyes excessively without any reason can cause early dark circles.

Why Do People Rub Eyes?

People rub their eyes for many reasons. These are as follows:

  • Allergies

Allergies cause itchiness in your eyes. People may be allergic to different things such as colds, insect bites, medicines, or food. Further, allergies can cause stuffy or runny nose, watery eyes, or sneezing. Thus, people often rub their eyes to manage discomfort.

  • Eye Infections

Eye infections such as conjunctivitis are another reason for eye itching. People get the bacteria of conjunctivitis from their hands. Thus, if you rub your eyes after getting such infections it may get worse. So, if you have been infected with conjunctivitis you should refrain from rubbing your eyes or trying the wrong methods to heal it and come to the Retina Centre in Guwahati to cure it with proper medicines.

Apart from these major reasons, there are also some other causes that can make you rub your eyes. These are as follows:

  • Dry Eyes

Decreased quantity of eye fluid can make your eyes itchy. This condition is also known as dry eyes.

  • Blepharitis

It refers to eyelid inflammation due to clogging in oil glands. Thus, it causes swollen and itchy eyes which makes you rub your eyes.

  • Eyestrain

It happens due to a long time staring at something which causes a burning sensation in the eyes. Thus, people naturally rub their eyes to reduce this burning sensation.

How to Stop Rubbing Your Eyes?

You can follow the below-mentioned suggestions to stop rubbing your eyes:

  • If you feel irritation use artificial eyewash to clean your eyes
  • Take allergy-relieving medications to heal swollen and itchy eyes
  • Sleep enough every day
  • Apply a cold compress to relieve itchy eyes
  • Take oral medicines to heal allergies
  • Visit efficient eye care centres such as the Retina Care Centre in Guwahati and run a routine check on your eyes


Hope, you have got a clear idea of how rubbing your eyes can make the situation worse and also cause several problems. However, the article has also listed some remedies to stop yourself from rubbing your eyes. Thus, you need to follow those and also get your eyes checked by an eye specialist in Guwahati if you face any severe issues.

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