
Squint Can Cause Blindness: Know in Details

Home Eye clinic Squint Can Cause Blindness: Know in Details

Eye problems lurk in the habits and issues from childhood. Squinting is such an example. It is one of the most common habits among children, which may turn out serious in the future. Some studies also have proved that squinting may cause blindness or Amblyopia in many people. There are some other problems with squinting which may become a disease. Keep scrolling to know more.

What is Squinting?

Squinting or Strabismus when people have misaligned eyes. Squint occurs due to impairment in eye muscle movement. Further, it can also happen because of physical brain disorders. Studies shows around 2% to 5% of global people face squint. Hence, there are different types of squints but these have treatments too. So, all you have to do is reach a healthcare professional for the right treatment. For this, you may visit the Retina centre in Guwahati and avail the best treatment for your squint.

What are the Causes of Squint?

The causes of squint are as follows:

  • Squint can come from the bloodline
  • A cranial nerve lesion can cause squint
  • Long-sightedness, injury, and illness may cause squint
  • Squint can also be a by born disease
  • Viral infections, for example, measles
  • Genetic conditions such as Noonan syndrome

Generally, 2 years or older kids can face squint for refractive errors. Further, an increased quantity of hyperopic refractive error can make eyes inward. In addition, too much cerebrospinal fluid accumulation can cause Strabismus or squint.

As you know the causes you must be wondering about the potential threat of squint. Follow the next discussion to know about them.

Can Squinting Cause Blindness?: Overview and Treatment

As stated in the introductory part, squint can cause blindness to people. Hence, it is not permanent and can be treated with different treatment techniques. Hence squint can cause blindness because of the following reasons:

  • Doubled and blurred vision
  • Lazy eye or problem in eyes in capturing the signal from the brain

Apart from this, several other issues can be caused due to squinting such as low self-esteem.

What is the Diagnosis for Squint?

When noticing the development of squint, the patient should be taken to a professional such as an eye specialist in Guwahati. They can give the best treatment and perfect solution for different patients. A specialist eye doctor in Guwahati will run the following eye diagnoses to prevent and check on squint:

  • Routine eye checkups for children since they turn 6 months old
  • The doctor will check pupil dilation by applying eye drops
  • Ophthalmologists will also run the Hirschberg test to check the state of strabismus
  • The doctor may also use light to check its entrance into both corneas and identify the type of strabismus or squint

What are the Types of Squint?

There are different types of squint such as:

  • Hypertropia: In this case, the eyes go upwards
  • Exotropia: Here, eyes go outwards
  • Esotropia: In this type, eyes become inward
  • Hypotropia: The eyes turn downwards

What is the Treatment Procedure for Squint?

An expert eye doctor in Guwahati can be the perfect destination for people with squint issues. They can give patients the proper and established treatment for squint. The popular and effective treatment methods that expert eye doctors in Guwahati will follow to cure your squint are:

  • Squint Surgery

Maximum squint can be easily controlled with squint surgery and it is very convenient nowadays. Besides, doctors can run a squint surgery even on a few-month-old baby.

  • Glasses

Prism glasses are perfect for correcting misaligned eyeballs and helping to recover from the squint. They can help to correct blurry and double vision.

  • Vision therapy

Vision therapy is a painless treatment session where a doctor will prescribe lenses, exercises for the eyes, and therapeutic activities to treat brain dysfunction.

  • Botox

In botox, doctors inject medicine into the upper muscles of the eyes. With the help of it, the eye muscles become weak, and the eyes become aligned.


Hope you have got a detailed discussion on how squint can cause blindness and its treatment process. So, if you or your near one faces severe issues with squinting, Retina centre in Guwahati can be the perfect destination. Here, patients can get the most advanced treatment to recover completely. Thus, as soon as you face a squinting problem you should visit a doctor and get good care.

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